Avast Free Forum
Avast free forum is a site that lets users ask questions about their antivirus program. It offers a wide range of information, including tutorials and frequently asked questions. It is user-friendly and is regularly updated. Avast is an important player in the cybersecurity industry and offers one of the best levels of customer support for its anti-virus software program. The support button on the Avast’s website and PERSONAL COMPUTER software provides customers with access to COMMONLY ASKED QUESTIONS, discussion forums and high-end technical support if there are any problems.
However, its support is not without its drawbacks. A joint investigation by PCMag and Hauptplatine discovered that the company shares information about its users including their IP addresses as well as their location with third-party companies, which can create privacy concerns for some users. A recent attack on its online community resulted theft of user names, email addresses and passwords that had been hashed. Thankfully, repayment data was not stolen and the company has vowed to rebuild the forum on a more efficient and secure platform.
The free version of Avast does not include all its scanning options. You’ll have to upgrade to the premium plan to enjoy all its features. In addition, if the free version of Avast detects an advanced threat it will click the “Resolve” button will actually lead you to a pay screen that asks you my sources to upgrade to the Premium plan.
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