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How to Conduct a Borad Meeting Online

How to Conduct a Borad Meeting Online

Online meetings might not be as effective as those that are held in person, but they can offer more flexibility for members and make it easier to supervise. However, they require more appropriate board behavior, and come with their own unique challenges. Here are some guidelines to follow:

If possible, begin the meeting with a short video of everyone present in order to establish a connection with distant participants right from the beginning. This can also help keep the discussion clear when it comes to issues or concerns. It’s also good to include the agenda at the start of the meeting. It’s also a good idea to encourage attendees to comment or ask questions throughout the discussion.

Make sure that the audio and visual equipment is ready before the meeting begins and test all cameras to ensure that they’re functioning properly. Directors should dress professionally and have camera gear on by closing any tabs that might be distracting, and making sure to avoid the glare of windows or other potential distractions. It’s also a good idea for directors to mute their microphones when they’re not speaking and to use the chat feature of the meeting to notify the moderator when they’re required to leave of the video.

It’s easy for the board to include the opinions of all members when making decisions in the event that it uses an application for managing the board which includes voting and polling functions. This will help everyone feel valued and included. It’s an excellent idea if the chair or other officers make sure to remind everyone of any necessary post-meeting follow-ups, like making a board survey or obtaining electronic signatures.

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